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Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT cameras

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:04 pm
by classiccameras
With all the moans and gripes about the Sony SLT cameras, and I'm am just as guilty. Has any one considered moving over to a Micro 4thirds system such as Panasonic or Olympus. Any opinions on the format, they seem to have sewn up any focussing problems that other cameras have and the metering is pretty good too. Small lens selection, but you have an option of Leica lenses and now Tamron and Sigma are making Micro 4Thirds lenses.
Or is it sensor size that puts you off.

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:21 pm
by bakubo
Here are some threads with lots of discussion of m4/3 and the Olympus E-M5 that will be interesting for you to read, I think: ... =17&t=6746 ... =49&t=6740 ... =17&t=7356 ... =21&t=6387

Here is a list of the 57 m4/3 lenses:

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:08 pm
by Birma
I have always thought about the Nex and m4/3being alternatives, and the SLTs competing with regular DSLRs. However I guess cameras like the Fuji X, E-M5 and the GH3 start to muddy the waters between 'big' interchangeable lens cameras (i.e. DSLRs and DSLTs) and 'small' interchangeable lens cameras Nex, Pen and Gs. In fact the market has so many different approaches available to us now that almost every conceivable combination of features is available with one brand or another.

So in answer to the OP I think that if SLTs don't float your boat then there is a very broad range of choice depending on the features you want. I wouldn't recommend just m4/3s or any other mount.

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:59 am
by classiccameras
Hi Birma

May be its not just SLT's but APS-C systems in general and M4T.
Are there any good reasons to switch to M4T other than the obvious size and weight differences.
Every time the argument comes up about the advantages and disadvantages of either system, noise and dynamic range seem to be the major diffences with APS-C winning that particular race, although the Oly E-M5 seems to have caught up, well almost. What I have noticed over the years, is APS-C has always stayed one step ahead in most fields over 4thirds and M4T.

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:19 am
by Birma
Hi Pete,

My understanding is also that bigger sensors mean better noise handling and dynamic range. On the other hand, after looking through Henry's Nepal gallery (taken on m4t) there was not one picture that left me thinking "I wish there was more dynamic range in this!" :) . Smaller sensor can mean smaller and lighter body and lenses, and so perhaps easier to get to the place where the picture is in the first place.

Micro 4 thirds seems to have a good selection of lenses, perhaps better than native Nex lenses, and smaller in general.

For me, the combination and interoperability of Sony (big) Alpha mount and Nex mount cameras do everything I want and then some. If I didn't like the 'big' SLTs then I think I would look at the Nex 6 before m4ts. The Nex adapters would at least mean you can transition over without having to replace all of your glass at once.

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:55 pm
by alphaomega
Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT cameras
Undoubtedly it is for most users. Just looking at the images my LX100 can produce from a 1inch sensor I have no doubt that the best micro4/3 cameras can produce most goods to a high level of satisfaction. (Personally I would not move from APS-C to micro4/3). If you are already into a system I am reminded of the Japanese quote, when doing Lean Thinking, that "an old tool is the best tool" meaning you can do the best job with something you are familiar with. I pretty much can find my way round both the Alpha and NEX systems now and have most of the lenses I require. (I could do with the 10-18 E mount lens). So changing over means learning a new set-up from scratch and probably missing a lot of good shots during the learning process. So apart from the investment there is a learning courve and perhaps finding in the process that the grass is not as green as you thought on the other side of the fence. I for one am sticking with Sony despite the odd developments Barry Fitzgerald is so good at highlighting. They produce world class sensors and also release good cameras and lenses in between. The NEX lens range is also maturing and with the adapter options almost any lens can be fitted.
Personally I believe strongly that the A580 is the last DLSR from Sony. I also believe they are not going to abandon SLT developments any time soon, but I have a suspicion that the SLT 5 series will be the entry point with Sony hoping that the migration from pocket cameras will be to NEX rather than DSLR. It amuses me when walking around Edinburgh to see the petite eastern ladies walking around with their Canon DSLRs and kit lens when a NEX or LX100 would do equally well in a much smaller package. Probably the kit lens has never been off and Sony's plastic mount would surely have done well in these circumstances.

Re: Is micro 4 thirds a viable option to the Sony SLT camera

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:38 pm
by bfitzgerald
For me no it's not. Not to take away the appeal for some, or to put down the improvement in sensor performance (which is obvious over previous 4/3 sensors)
It's just for me the wrong size sensor. And that means less DOF control putting it bluntly.

APS-C is a compromise for DOF v FF, but micro 4/3 is an even bigger one. So on that basis alone I'm not looking at any of their products.
Now the Fuji X system, that does have some appeal at least on paper. But it needs to mature and expand to see what it really can offer.
Right now I'm not ready to dump the DSLR type camera