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Killing glare on slick magazine pages

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:03 pm
by Dusty
My company recently won some awards for ads we;ve created, and I'm trying to get a few shots of them so that they can me used at the awards presentations.

On of the ads was a print ad in a magazine, and try as I might I can't find any combination flash, off camera flash, Bounce flash, natural lighting or any combo that doesn't give me glare on at least one of the pages.

I've even tried using the polarizer, all to no avail.

HELP!hiccup!hiccup!hiccup! Any Ideas? Do I need to go get an umbrella and bounce into that? Bounce off of the ceiling or white panels doesn't seem to help.

Any words of wisdom appreciated.


Re: Killing glare on slick magazine pages

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:26 pm
by bakubo
This is the type of thing that a flatbed scanner does very well. Much easier than trying to take a photo with a camera.

Re: Killing glare on slick magazine pages

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:26 am
by David Kilpatrick
You need polarised light - pol filters over lighting heads - to get this right.

I just place the lights to either side, and the camera in the middle, and accept some modelling sheen to make the pages look solid.
callieshell-example.jpg (41.12 KiB) Viewed 12561 times
This example is for a cut-out on the page, showing a spread from Callie Shell's Obama book. I use the reflection here deliberately. With the pages flatter, the two large light sources do not create any reflection.


Re: Killing glare on slick magazine pages

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:45 pm
by Dusty
Somewhere in the back of my mind I recalled polarizing filters at the light source. I don't have any, so we had to go another route on that one. We submitted the PDF of the original ad, instead of showing it in various magazines.

Scanning wouldn't have worked because we had several mags displayed together.

Thanks for the help. I'll see about ordering some polarizing gels.
