Greetings from Bristol

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Greetings from Bristol

Unread post by wobble »

Well, here I am - a Minolta user for the last 27 years or so.

I began my photography with a Kodak Instamatic then progressed onto a Praktica LTL3. However, when that fell to pieces I moved onto an X700 with various bits of glass in about 1980. I added an X300 to have a second body. I must have been a lot fitter in those days to carry 2 bodies plus glass and filters etc. :)

I bypassed the early 35mm autofocus days as none of the camera shops would give me what I saw as a fair trade-in for my equipment. I decided that as I preferred landscapes etc, which didn't move much, why buy an autofocus.

So, my next Minolta was the Dimage 5 which, at the time was a considered purchase. I then upgraded to the A1. Both cameras I liked for the flexibiity of not having to change lenses, their lightness and the new enthusiasm that digital gave me.

However, the desire to have a range of lenses (wideangle and macro) made me decide to upgrade again to the KM Dynax 5. This is currently my main camera. I also have the X1 to carry around for parties and the like.

So, that's my history in cameras...
David Kilpatrick
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Unread post by David Kilpatrick »

Parties? A social life? You'll have us all envious. Just don't mention parties. My memory doesn't go that far back...

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Unread post by wobble »

Well, when I say parties... it's not that exciting! :)
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