Gallery Log In - not working?

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Gallery Log In - not working?

Unread post by Omega892 »

I am logged into this forum and then move to and reach the home page there.

I click on Photo Galleries and go to a log in page.

I enter same log in and password as per previous (same as for forum and carefully entered on repeat attempts) and a page appears briefly indicating that I am succesfully logged in then that vanishes and the log in page appears again from there on it is Ground Hog Day.

First trouble I have had.
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David Kilpatrick
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Re: Gallery Log In - not working?

Unread post by David Kilpatrick »

Last week we had to move the entire site to a server in the USA. The server we were using in the UK claimed we were using 2 or 3 hours of CPU time daily and wanted to charge us £600 a year to move to a shared server with fewer sites. The site does not earn anything and I can't justify that so we moved it. It is proving very difficult to get the UK domain name host to unlock the domain to allow that to be moved, and our webmaster who organised the transfer of the site did so six hours before flying to the USA for a holiday. I can't access any deep admin functions right now, or repair any of the links and logins which may be broken due to the temporary domain name being used.

It will be fixed, but I am unable to do so now.

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Re: Gallery Log In - not working?

Unread post by dewarp »

Once again, the gallery Log-In has gone haywire.

For some time the last downloads remained DK's Peter Donegan files. A few weeks back I tried to download another image into the gallery. It appeared to be accepted but never actually appeared in my album. Some time later I attempted to delete all of my files, which did work.

This morning the initial gallery page had changed, so I thought it worth another visit. Unfortunately I am no longer recognised as a member!

I have re-registered. I hope that this will be successful.


Peter Dewar
David Kilpatrick
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Re: Gallery Log In - not working?

Unread post by David Kilpatrick »

It should work now, but all past history is lost. The login used to be linked to the Forum registration, and this was the root of the problems - after upgrading PHP BB to eliminate massive spam registration problems (Shirley was working four hours a day just deleting porno spammers that we could not prevent from registering, before BB3 tackled the problem by making robot registrations much harder). The 'bridge' between the Gallery and PHP BB no longer worked, and the opensource guys who create Coppermine were extremely rude to the entire community about the non-updating of the bridge system - they basically said if you are not competent to program this stuff yourself, you should not be using it. Not just this site but many were left with damaged Gallery functions.

The new installation has no Bridge, it is stand-alone, which means you must register twice - once for the Forum, once for the Gallery. There is no harm in using exactly the same name and passwords for all parts of this site, the main Wordpress registration, Forum and Gallery but each is a separate function.

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