Oh God, they killed Flickr!

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Re: Oh God, they killed Flickr!

Unread post by pakodominguez »

KevinBarrett wrote:I'm not crazy about the changes either. My biggest complaint is that the previews on my home page are too big. I don't have to click on anything to see it larger, and anybody subscribed to me doesn't have to either--this means I'm not getting the same useful page-view metric to see how attention-getting my latest compositions are. People might be stopping to look at my images closer, but I'll never know.

My next complaint is that the individual photo pages have lost a lot of useful formatting in favor of this Tumblr-esque nonsense. I used to be able to see an image, its camera data, tags, and comments, all without having to scroll....
I'm OK with the new look-and-feel of Flickr. But I'm not a heavy Flickr user (at all)
I guess there might be a way to check on the statistics, otherwise just send them an email ;-)
http://www.pakodominguez.photo/blog" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Oh God, they killed Flickr!

Unread post by KevinBarrett »

I only got into Flickr when Sony asked me to moderate their Sony Camera Club, but I was glad I did because the formatting, organizational tools, and interface were all so nice, and the community structure really worked well (though it's no PCA). I'm not a "heavy" Flickr user, in that I don't submit my images to 50 different groups or participate in the "flickr award" or "post one image, comment on five" games. My involvement centers around the SCC, because guess who's paying for my pro account. :P

Now the functions and organizational tools that I was using are all still there, but the presentation and formatting are now more poorly suited for photography than the service I had moved away from (DeviantART). The preview images on my home page are too big for my laptop (11.7" screen, 1366x768) and are cluttered with icons and text anyway. The individual photo pages no longer give me the choice of viewing on white, and I can't see the accompanying image data or artists comments without scrolling. EXIF data is now two clicks removed from the image's page.

Basically, I'm only sticking around for Sony. At least Flickr hasn't ruined the groups yet...
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Re: Oh God, they killed Flickr!

Unread post by NevHi »

Dropbox flips Snapjoy album shut
Find another cloud for your pics
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/23 ... lbum_shut/
By Richard Chirgwin, 23rd June 2013

Heavy Snapjoy users will be watching any download limits they might have, with Dropbox changing its mind and shuttering the cloudy pic-storing app...
5D, 8000i, XD7
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