I am really angry

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I am really angry

Unread post by Omega892 »

Adobe brass me off.

I wanted to avoid the necessity of using Adobe's expensive resource hogs which contain features I just do not need, which slow a computer down and make life more complex WRT libraries and stuff.

Thus I invested in Pixmantec's Rawshooter and used with Elements 1. Yes I know that CS has more advanced editing features which I could use but I don't want all the other unnecessary baggage, I have mentioned elsewhere here that I had to remove later versions of Elements from a new laptop that I was setting up because of all that baggage which also interfered with USB memory devices containing data files other than images.

I downloaded and installed Lightroom version 1.0 as they allowed once they acquired Rawshooter but now I am getting invitations to download 1.3.1 and 1.3 (which don’t look to have any advantages for me over V 1.0) but when I use the download button an Adobe screen appears and vanishes before one can read what is there and I am taken to the Adobe store.

Now later versions of Lightroom can be purchased for £205.62 which is at least three times the cost of Rawshooter. Oh! And they have the brass neck to offer £85 off if I buy with CS3, which for reasons already stated I don’t particularly want.

Maybe there are alternatives out there but having got to grips with Minolta’s Dimage Master and switched to Rawshooter and now Lightroom life is now too short to keep learning new apps.

I am seriously hacked off and considering chucking the whole thing in. Maybe film isn’t so bad after all. Chemicals there maybe but so there are in all the extra landfill from kit that the likes of Adobe and Microsoft attempt to make obsolete.

Will Adobe listen to those like me who are on pension income and cannot keep up with the cost of their overblown, overpriced, way of doing business.

Sorry for the rant but...!
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Unread post by Carlj »

Do you still get Capture one light with Sandisk extreme iii cards?

May be a way of blowing raspberries at Adobe and their europhobic pricing?
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