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Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:08 pm
by gaz_daf
Hi - does anyone know if or when Sony might make a cam that will sync with Studio Flash and if they will upgrade older cameras to use it please :?:

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:13 pm
by harveyzone
gaz_daf wrote:Hi - does anyone know if or when Sony might make a cam that will sync with Studio Flash and if they will upgrade older cameras to use it please :?:
They all do with the addition of either an expensive Sony adapter, or an inexpensive 3rd party one. The A700 and A900 have PC socket built in which could be used for this purpose.

What do you want to achieve that you cannot?

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:18 pm
by gaz_daf
Hi Tom, I have Interfit Studio Flash that I used with my Minolta 700si but now I'm apparently unable to use it? :(

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:05 pm
by harveyzone
gaz_daf wrote:Hi Tom, I have Interfit Studio Flash that I used with my Minolta 700si but now I'm apparently unable to use it? :(
You should be able to. What have you tried, and what was the problem?

With an A100 you basically have 3 options...

Wired with low trigger voltage flash - Us an FS1100 clone with a PC socket off E-Bay to trigger using a cable.
Wired with high trigger voltage flash - Use a circuit protected adapter such as the Sony one, or safe-sync to trigger using a cable.
Wireless - Use an FS1100 plus a cactus or similar radio trigger to trigger the flash.

You cannot use the built in flash to trigger them using optical sensors as the preflash (which cannot be disabled) will cause the flashes to trigger before the shutter is open. You may be able to trigger them with a manual flash on the hotshoe if you have one, but I have never tried this.

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:12 pm
by aachen96
Hi Tom, I see that you say I may be able to get an adapter from Sony but I can't find one unless I'm looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place? I've been to the Sony site but just seems I go round in circles trying to find it! :?
There are some on E- Bay from Hong Kong with a circuit safeguard, would that do the job if I can't get one from Sony? :?: £48.00 Stirling

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:42 pm
by harveyzone
aachen96 wrote:I see that you say I may be able to get an adapter from Sony but I can't find one unless I'm looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place? I've been to the Sony site but just seems I go round in circles trying to find it! :?
There are two Sony models - depending upon your needs you can use either the
Sony FA-HS1AM - To use an ISO-518 flash foot on the Sony hot shoe.
Sony FA-ST1AM - To add a PC-sync connector to the Sony hot shoe.

I think they are both voltage protected up to 400v

...but they aren't particularly cheap!!!

There are 3rd party ones that have both hot shoe and PC connectors in them, but I have never dared use one with my high voltage flash, even though they say they are ok. £48 seems quite high - unprotected ones start at about £6. Search for FS-1100. I would probably look at Gadget infinity in the first instance who have one for about £12 with protection circuitry... (see item number 350220799752).

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:00 pm
by aachen96
Hi Tom, thanks for that attached is a copy of the ad that I found for an adapter from the states - what do you think or do you prefer to get the Sony job? Regards Gary. ( sorry .doc not allowed) ... e_sync.htm

You can see it here, I hope?

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:55 pm
by aachen96
Hello again Tom, is this the adapter you were talking about? $16.95.
It should work off a Tripod with no need for a hotshoe adapter as suggested in the ad? Regards Gary.

Re: Sony Flash Sync

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:34 am
by aachen96
Hi Tom, after thinking about it I have purchased the Sony product. Rather be safe than sorry. £109 from London Camera Exchane. 1 day delivery. Thank You very much for all your Help & Advice it's much appreciated. :D