One More Name Added to the DPR Pantheon of the Damned

Specifically for the discussion of the A-mount DSLR range
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Re: One More Name Added to the DPR Pantheon of the Damned

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

It has to be mentioned, how much weight you give to the jpeg problems is another debate on it's own. I suppose it's been overstated a bit, but I'd rather see it than not hear anything about it.

You'd be surprised on the jpeg front, I know people with good quality L glass and 5dMkII's who shoot jpeg
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Re: One More Name Added to the DPR Pantheon of the Damned

Unread post by alphaomega »

Here is a gentleman how is quite angry at the DPReview review of the A7 ... e-guy.html
on SOUNDIMAGEPLUS found through SAR.
Have you seen Dpreviews alleged posterization examples? The question actually being can anyone actually see what's supposed to have happened? For example is there supposed to be something we can see in those purple rectangles? I cranked my monitor screen up to maximum brightness and still.... nothing. So what exactly is the point here. There's a huge blowup from a shot taken at ISO 6400 which shows something. Not a lot and nothing I've not seen before on lots of other cameras. Now this is all actually bogus. It might be understandable if this doggie-doo was published on some hectoring fanboy blog. (Totally unlike this one of course!!) You know the one by some bloke named after a vase and that other one who works for Olympus but pretends he doesn't. But this is Dpreview for Gods sake. The one we all (or used to) take seriously. Or at least I did. Maybe Sony don't advertise enough on Amazon. Who knows. Anyway back to the point of all this. (You mean there is one?)
This is just a taste of his ire at the DPReview evaluation of JPEGS from that A7.
It would appear that DPReview probably got this one wrong. Personnally I am quite happy with the Jpegs from my NEX-6 and RX100 and rarely revert to the RAW images as I struggle to make them better than the Jpegs with a little Auto Tone and slight shadow/highlight adjustments. Typically I rarely see CA on the Jpegs out of the cameras.
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Re: One More Name Added to the DPR Pantheon of the Damned

Unread post by classiccameras »

DPR do seem to have a downer on Jpegs, and not just Sony, although they have received more than their fair share of slagging off from DPr.

As far as I can remember, the only camera that got the thumbs up from DPr for Jpegs was a Fuji X-E1. Other review sites praised most Fuji X range cameras for excellent Jpegs, I have to agree with this as my Fuji X-10 gives superb Jpegs and hardly anything is gained from shooting RAW.
I guess this debate will go on with supportes of both camps, I say just respect some body elses point of view and accept that it is what they chose to do.
I like shooting Jpegs but I have never said they were better than RAW!
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Re: One More Name Added to the DPR Pantheon of the Damned

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

Depends the X20 had overly aggressive NR (and I could see that myself) that's the type of camera I might shoot jpeg (at least some of the time) so it put me off buying one
The X10 looked better by some margin. I might wait and see if an X30 turns up, I'm not in a hurry for a premium compact right now.

All makers can have issues, though personally I've found Nikon and Pentax to be good for jpegs (subject to NR being turned right down)
I've not really looked at the other Fuji's ie their X series APS-C models

Regarding the Fuji v Sony comparison he's using different software for each so I can't really see how that rant holds up (photo ninja really?). The jpeg v jpeg he does not tell us what the cameras were set to jpeg nr wise.
I know some say the Fuji sensor is harder to get details on, not really tried developing many myself.
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