Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!” - Winner Chosen

A photo challenge starting January 5th 2009. One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Aster has been appointed moderator of this forum in recognition of her commitment to making it great fun. This does not prevent others from setting challenges!

Moderator: aster

Forum rules
One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Participants should provide basic camera data (body, lens, ISO, mode, exposure over-ride or WB settings), and details of raw processing and subsequent PP.
Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

David Kilpatrick wrote:Here's what I need to enter here - but this was shot on the Nikon D700 when I was testing it :-(


Hi David, :D

Since this is a photo challenge and not a camera model challenge, this photo is as acceptable as the others are. Had you not been a photographer who also tests different camera brands from time time and considering the difficulty and weight of carrying an Alpha everytime you test an other this photo does enter the challenge.
:) If you weren't a tester, I'm sure this frame would've been shot with an Alpha as the only brand you'd have with you around!

This new website looks interesting. I'll take a look myself. Thanks for the link.

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

Hello everyone!

Challenge 7 is officially over and I wish to thank every single contributor for their courage and willingness to share their experiences and approaches! :D

It's now judges' turn to do their task and go through a hard task of selecting a succesor.

You'll be hearing fom take good care and enjoy yourselvves in the mean time! :D

See you,

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

Hello everyone, :D

Once again, thank you for your keen participation in “Challenge 7: Right Around That Corner”.

The purpose of this theme was to take a photo of a portion of an existing building corner in your town which partially hid an other architectural element; a landmark; a building of prominence and the like.

The selection for the winning entry developed around the theme stated above yet none of the participants’ photo interpretations fully incorporated the theme of adhering to architectural elements both as the corner and the partially viewable landmark; instead there was a preferance for interpreting the theme each to their liking. :)

And going by the presented work here are the results and the corrolated commentary.

The winning entry is by Olaf Ulrich.


In this work by the artist, the idea of a corner in the vertical sense as an element of an actual building is exhanged for the horizontal lush green of a hill which hid an actual architectural existence which we only partially see but which also is a strong enough symbol to have us draw the conclusion that there is a tower with a building right after the top of that hill which we’ll be able to see if we walk up there.

Approach: The artist chose a subtle and graphical approach which uses the basic colours as part of its description and clarity; the sky is blue, the roof shingles are red, the hill top is green. There’s nothing in the photo that distracts the viewer into thinking of anything else but the message: “There’s a shrine of sorts round that green hill, I know because I can see the tower”.

The photo is clear, the message is clear and easy to relate at first glance because we from personal experience know at least one green hill that partially hides a building we are closely familiar with around our own living places that when we’re approaching we only need to see the tip of its elements to cry out “we’re there! We’re home! We arrived!”.

Attention to detail and presentation:
It certainly would not be fair to let this pass by. Olaf, always designs and develops his concept and presentation with significant attention to details including his post-production cravings and maintanance of photo exposures. This is a strong sign of artist’s respect to personal work and to the viewer simultaniously.

Thank you for taking part Olaf and congratulations.

Always learning ...


...More about the other works will follow as time allows. Thanks all!
Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

The Runner-Ups and Honorary Mentionables ! :D

Here are two entries that are closer yet to the theme: Sury’s and Aster’s entries both have proper architectural landmarks as partially viewable while the corner is more of a land bend in Sury’s waterfront

Image Image

Both photos display these popular plots with what they present to their locals: sunshine, a beautiful seascape, an architectural landmark to take pride in and lots of daily candid aura. They both serve their purposes leaving nothing to the imagination with generous light and colours. Everyone would want to visit these places one day after seeing these photos! True, and you know it, too! :D :D

Congratualtions to the both of you and thanks for participating,

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

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The Runner-Ups and Honorary Mentionables ! (continued)

Yet an other two of the entries with similar elements yet with differing scale and intentions: WestCoast’s and Bossel’s entries.


While WestCoast’s photo involves no land architecture corner to point to, he chooses a natural vertical element shaped by man to open a promenade for humans as ‘the corner’and goes for the mobile ‘cruise ship’ as the partially viewable. The scene is striking as the ship takes the turn and the candid appearance of the people make this a very ‘holidayish’ photo.

Bossel’s quiet corner although down to more human scale water routes still has that tantalizing appeal. The prove of the small boat showing at the corner of these worn brick walls that shape the water canal with no people in sight is no less attractive and also is rich with a taste of romantism.

Both good, successful and attractive photos. :D

Congratulations !
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by bossel »

aster wrote: ...the idea of a corner in the vertical sense as an element of an actual building is exhanged for the horizontal lush green of a hill which hid an actual architectural existence which we only partially see but which also is a strong enough symbol to have us draw the conclusion...
You should get in touch with DK and start a career as journalist...

Anyway, thanks for the work and congrats to Olaf!
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

The Runner-Ups and Honorable Mentions ! (continued)

The Sweet Bends

These entries are the ones that lack corner of any type but offer generous continuous bends that appear to be extending to infinity. :) Lovely ones, you'll see!


Bossel has a beautiful, authentic, old urban street. With its warm colours, degraded wall surfaces, cobble-stones and lack of human activity it appears to be frozen in time. This photo would make good poster on the wall of a tourism agency.

Sury’s bend is yet an other from an urban district with evidence of human life and activity.


Artington’s bend is a hard beaten dirt road/trail through thick woods which prooves that some form of human existence relies on the usage of this road. It’s road with its own tales to tell in the middle of wonderful greens.

Harvey brings an other dirt road bends starting of from an intersection. Both have that air of going on forever as they trail off and disappear behind small swelling of heights. There’s a church-like building in the far left which is rather small to see at first look at the photo but the wood gates and the sign make it different and the water ahead makes the scenery nicer still.
Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

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The Runner-Ups and Honorable Mentions ! (last part)


David Antony’s water bend bring us the three fishing boats in the lake while a heron awaits for the night to set in. A scene one would see in Huckleberry’s world too, no doubt. :)

Birma’s gate showcases a good, old house. If it weren’t a gate through a retaining straight wall but a corner this photo would fit the desired theme completely. But nothing to worry over, variable approaches teach us how people see things differrently.


Ossie brought us a lively corner from the urban setting with school children rushing about. It surely must either be time to go home or just the opposite, time to make it to their school. If not for architectural elements this vivid scene full of young kids make it nice. We must have a challenge on kid life some time!


Kevin’s reflective metal- clad curvelinear corner was an intereting subject from the beginning. The laden signage on the ground is what makes it intriguing and worthwhile. If only the ‘property’ which the sign points to was visible at some rate, this photo would be one of the excelled ones of this theme. :D

Bakubo’s entry has a rebellious soul of a corner! The humour in the letter ‘L’ turning to the left of the corner is making it a sweeet entry. But again, to see more of where the corner opens to would be nice.

Thank you all an see you in some other challenge... :D

Good luck

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

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Thank you for the complement bossel! :D

Cogratulations to you too, because that old-district cobble-stone passage is very enchanting as is the boat around the corner.

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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by harvey »

Firstly, congratulations to the winner.
aster wrote: Harvey brings an other dirt road bends starting of from an intersection. Both have that air of going on forever as they trail off and disappear behind small swelling of heights. There’s a church-like building in the far left which is rather small to see at first look at the photo....
I was struggling to get it all in but now the challenge is finished I hope it is OK to show you what was round the corner in more detail.


Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 7: “Right Around That Corner!”

Unread post by aster »

Hello Harvey,

It's a beautiful photo indeed. You could of entered with more than one entry and we'd all be lucky this historical landmark! :D
Good idea that you thought of uploading it now because I was really curious to see what that small tower-like structure looked like in real form.

Thank you for sharing. I feel better now. :D

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