Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluated & Winner Announced

A photo challenge starting January 5th 2009. One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Aster has been appointed moderator of this forum in recognition of her commitment to making it great fun. This does not prevent others from setting challenges!

Moderator: aster

Forum rules
One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Participants should provide basic camera data (body, lens, ISO, mode, exposure over-ride or WB settings), and details of raw processing and subsequent PP.
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Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluated & Winner Announced

Unread post by aster »


Hi and welcome to the evaluation thread of Challenge #59: "Brother / Sisterhood". :D

For this challenge there were 3 entries from Sury, Jeff / the_hefay, and Bakubo/Henry Richardson.

The three entries have some common features: there are two subjects interacting in each photo and each photo displays one of the characters as more responsive and active than the other.

When I announced this particular challenge with this topic, I must have had some other notion and approach to the topic because I was expecting some other type of photos depicting brotherhood or sisterhood among human beings. The photos you submitted literally depicted moments between real brothers and siblings. : ) So, I bent my own expectations to match what I was seeing in the shots.

Let's have a look at what I thought when I saw your subjects. :) Thank you all three for your entries and contributions.


1/.. Our winner for this challenge is Jeff / the_hefay with his entry titled "Holiday at the Plaza".

Congratulations Jeff and thank you for your entry. :)

Composition: Good; a square frame that keeps everything tidy and neat in a proportional containment.
Coherent and meaningful background subjects, although some smooth bokeh / depth of field would have helped in the isolation of the two men to bring more focus to them. But I still like seeing the rest of the plaza-goers and especially the rather over-weight boy who feeds the pigeons and the girl talking to her friends she's hanging out with.

Colours and processing: A very colourful environment pertaining to the cultural life of South America. The shot is almost self-saturated due to the abundant sunlight and the colours of the nation.

Why I chose this photo as the winning photo ?

The story:
Two men, a youngster and a considerably older. They a share a photo moment to perpetuate this sunny day in the plaza into the future. We clearly see both of the faces that display completely different emotions and responses to the particular moment, when a photographer that's not visible in the frame presses the shutter button as they look into the lens.

Older man, probably a lover of wildlife and travelling, has a t-shirt on that reads "CALI-FOR-NIA, AMERICAN CULTURE", with two greezly brown bears trotting the wilderness printed on the letters. Has North America's culture at heart as well as South America's apparently. He has a backpack which may be one of the signs that shows that he keeps to the wild tracks and trails but he's in the heart of the city now...who knows where he's heading to next...

He's slightly leaning on the younger man and loosely embracing him with his left arm while he rests his right hand on this belt. He's not smiling. He knows life too well to smile right out into a lens for the sake of a one-time-plaza-shot. But he owns up to the moment and is focused enough to let us know that this 'shared' moment with the younger is important enough for him.

He has authentic dark skin and chisseled facial features that closely resemble his ancestors, the Astecs or the Mayans: high cheek bones, deeply inset dark eyes shaded. His facial expression says that 'he's in no hurry and will take this moment in'....

Younger man has years before him to mature and his shy smile and body posture tell us that he knows it. He is probably a teenager and wants to appear self-confident, good-natured and less childish standing next to the older man. He's aware that he lacks the life experience that will make him look more relaxed for this particular shot next to the older one but also doesn't want to look over-eager by over-compensating. But, in fact, he's eager. He does want to look as though he is up to the challenge. Look how he wants to look taller by standing upright as though he's also rising a little on his toes: and look how he's loosely hooking his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans to look 'cool', as though he is 'a worldly young man' in his own right alongside the relaxed older man.



I preferred this photo for all the reasons above and for the 'subtle', quiet expressionism of how we change our attitute and postures when we are among people that we look up to and want to impress, to match in looks to their skill or life experience, so we don't feel an outsider or outside their circle. For me, this characteristic of human nature for trying to live or match up to the standards of an other/older is depicted in this frame, through two different generations of men, standing side by side.

I hope I made my thoughts come across into your visionary conceptions for this particular shot.

Jeff's "Holiday at the Plaza"-The winning photo

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by sury »

Congratulations Jeff. And once again thank you Aster, for your astute observation and attention
to nuances.
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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sury wrote:Congratulations Jeff. And once again thank you Aster, for your astute observation and attention
to nuances.

Yes, congratulations, Jeff!

Sury, I have yet to publish the other two evaluations as well and hope that you didn't think I neglected them. I have them. I'll go over a couple of lines only.
I have a deadline to meet elsewhere, with something else. In between, if I get the chance I'll upload them.

And thank you for your very kind words, as always. :) Your spirit of eternal kindness is perpetually infectious...

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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WOW! I'm honored. Thanks for the thorough evaluation Yildiz. I look forward to reading your other evaluations as well. They are very well thought-out and I always learn something from them. And thank you Sury and Yildiz for the congratulations.
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by aster »

Hi again, :)

"Armed without arms",

Could be the statement of this challenge where implicit rivalry mood swings showed in all three photos; arms literally had their say in expressing possessiveness, control, mocking, defiance, rebellion, protection, affection, compassion, etc..
The other two photos in the challenge pose for siblings' rivalry expressed through the arms without 'firing' arms but we see that the eyes are doing the job instead.

Both shots were taken without the subjects knowing which is what makes the photos more special.

Sury's photo is of defiance and rebellion.
The mocking brother that uses his height as an advantage to keep something the little sister demands the possession of in silent rebellion and perseverance is one of the sights that most parents see all throughout their lives when around their kids.

The story:

The sister knows she's going to get what she wants. We see her defiant expectation in her eyes and lips that are touched by the a tiny smile, while her backbone is straightened and her left hand rests on her waist: she is like a frontline frontier soldier ready to face the enemy with courage making sure that the rival knows that she won't back out. She has turned her body to a full-frontal and chose a very steady gaze for her show down.

Elimination of words and actions...hence, a silent resistance until the goal is reached successfully. She wants it all and those eyes and half-smiling lips tell that she definitely is going to get it all.

She reminded me of Gandhi, who won a victory for India using absolute silence accompanied with a determination to not use any guns against an enemy that had one of the most sophisticated militaries on the end gaining full sovereignty for his country.

Exposure, Colours, Contrast: The photo is taken on the spur of the moment which is good. Maybe just because of that quick decision, lacks contrast and sufficient saturation of colours to make it pop. The strong noon daylight puts the photographer at a disadvantage; some wonderful details are washed away on the litle sister's determined facial expressions.

Lens & Background: The background is stealing away from the subjects. Some bokeh to isolate the subjects would help us focus on the subjects.

Why no word on the brother whose back is to us ? Because the little sister is doing all the work that makes this photo very special: by her reaction, using both her body posture and facial features, her defiance accentuated by the hand that rests on her waist.

This girl knows both what she's doing and how this story is going to end: success. She probably has been in similar situations former to this moment and she's using her experience to draw her strength and courage from. :)

Thank you for your contribution, Sury. My apologies for being tardy with this humble delivery... A priceless moment in two siblings' daily life, that is repeated in many families around the world by the second.

Sury's photo of Sibling Rivalry-a daily sight for parents.

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by sury »

No apologies needed. With that narrative, it is worth the wait. Honestly, when I submitted the photo,
with my (mis)interpretation of the challenge, my thinking was "it is a cute photo that fits the bill".
Your interpretation is so on the target, all I could do was read with a chuckle and think "that is so true".
You got both my kids down pat. Everything thing you described was true to every word. She certainly has
her brother wrapped around her little finger. There is argument about your technical assessment of the photo
as it was taken exactly as described. What is amazing is that how you got the relationship between them so
accurately captured just from that photo. Kudos to you. Humbled by the fact (yet again) that there is much to
taking photos than just clicking them away.

With best regards,
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by aster »


Thank you for the kind and understanding comments, Sury. :)

Being a sister myself, I must have years of experience on sister - brother rivalry. :D Won't give away our secrets of management though...

Thank you for your very welcome entry.

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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"Nigerian brothers in the Sinai, Egypt, 2009" by Bakubo / Henry Richardson

Sibling Rivalry II and how the Mother alluded some foreseeable problems?

Bakubo, in his own style of street photography with a distorted angle, brought us the two young Nigerian brothers.
At an age when testosterone reigns the attitudes and behaviors of impressionable, energy-loaded, competitive, young boys' brains which are mentally rushing from one daydream to the other, the parents set some basic rules of thumb to stop at least some of the rivalry and apply them too...

The Story:

Sinai, Egypt 2009 and two young Nigerian brothers, but it could have been any date or year in time and the behaviour or the attitudes of these two brothers would not be any different; they are timeless. They are timeless because of the innate human behaviour that's scripted in the mutual DNA of our humankind. We haven't been able to come very far from our mutual history, track of actions or the reasons of drive for jealousy.

Mother (or Father) knows best when dealing with in-house testosterone rivalry !

Hence, the young boys share the same footwear of the exact size, shape and wear them at the same time too. No chance of either of them yelling that "the other got the better sandals !" and throw a tantrum that causes headache to the parents. Although the brother in the front is the younger and the smaller, the same rules apparently are applicable to the jeans, and sweatshirts: same size, same colour, same shape...

Sweatshirts tell us some of the little ones' aspirations; they are Superheroes and are flying, punching, fist-fighting, saving lives, halting villains in the middle of their criminal actions...The clues are depicted by the printed action hero figure on the older one's sweatshirt and in the hands and actions of the younger one as though halted in the middle of a move... The older boy apparently is the more sensible and settled sibling that gently controls the younger one by lightly throwing his left arm over his shoulder but pressing firmly, to hold the more action-prone in check. There's no rebellion from the younger one as he bends to this command. Apparently there's an understanding between the two brothers: creativity is welcome but excessive vulgar expressionism is to be toned down and the older is the secret, laid-back boss in this relationship that decides when things need modulation.

About the shot:

Bakubo, probably shot this photo unawares which is why we are seeing many genuine expressions from the kids. The rather oblique angles and distorted horizon and angles somewhat accentuates the candid expressions of the kids.

Black & White, Greyscale: Good decision.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, the photographer chose the greyscale to present this photo of two brothers which helps accentuate the 'sought-equality and fraternity' which already was delivered to us through the identical choice of dress code. They are one action-figure print and one over-sized jacket away from being identical.

Thank you for your contribution, Henry. This is a good photo that tells a tight story of sibling-rivalry- under-check. Yet an other siblings' story that millions of families live by the day, with no exception to the rule. Clothes and appearances are the most rivalled items at such an age between brothers and sisters and this photo captures how families go for a mutual smart solution.

Thank you,


"Nigerian brothers in the Sinai, Egypt, 2009" by bakubo/Henry Richardson

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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Yildiz, that is an amazing write-up you did about my photo. You noticed things and made comment about things that I hadn't even thought of. :) Do you have a job where you make use of this great skill of yours?
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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Henry, I'm in total agreement with you on this. Yildiz's reviews are top notch. Thanks Yildiz for the effort you put into your reviews.

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by aster »


Thank you, Henry and Jeff ! :D

Very humbling, these comments that you made.

And Henry, answer your other tiny inquiry. :) The photos you submitted are vivid inspirations that tell the story of humans in the act of surviving the only ways they know how, and not much has changed since the beginning of our human history.
And I love telling the story of the human. :D

Many thanks,

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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aster wrote: Thank you, Henry and Jeff ! :D

Very humbling, these comments that you made.

And Henry, answer your other tiny inquiry. :) The photos you submitted are vivid inspirations that tell the story of humans in the act of surviving the only ways they know how, and not much has changed since the beginning of our human history.
And I love telling the story of the human. :D
"And I love telling the story of the human." And you do it very well!
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

Unread post by aster »

bakubo wrote:
aster wrote: Thank you, Henry and Jeff ! :D

Very humbling, these comments that you made.

And Henry, answer your other tiny inquiry. :) The photos you submitted are vivid inspirations that tell the story of humans in the act of surviving the only ways they know how, and not much has changed since the beginning of our human history.
And I love telling the story of the human. :D
"And I love telling the story of the human." And you do it very well!

Thank you, Henry. :D

You're very kind.

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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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Thanks for sharing such important post.highly appreciated
Graduated from Soran University with First Class Degree with Honours in Computer Science.
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Re: Challenge #59:"Brotherhood /Sisterhood"- Evaluations / Winner Announcement

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sarwanov wrote:Thanks for sharing such important post.highly appreciated
Hi Sarwanov;

Thanks for registering with the forum. We'd like to see your photos as well if you'd like to share with us on many of the threads that are available ... or you can always start your own photo thread.


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