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Pricing question

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:00 pm
by springm
I am showing this photo on flickr, and now it is requested for publishing in a book designed by a polish design studio

Railway Station Colombo Fort

The book is about a now famous swiss cook who is working now in Poland and was travelling the world.

My question now is: Which is the right price to ask from them. In spite of being honored to be asked, I don't think I want to give it away for free (I usually do so for noncommercial purposes), on the other hand I don't want to be greedy or frighten them off.
Any advice?


Re: Pricing question

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:43 pm
by DavieR
Nice picture.

No, don't give it away for free, the publisher is selling the book and you should sell a license for your image. You could try using the price calculator on Alamy as a starting point. Just pick any image and price it according to the details given to you by the design studio. There is a Polish agency with perhaps more relevant prices - choose an RM image to price.

You need to know the book's print run, whereabouts in the book the image is to be used, e.g. cover or inside, and how big, e.g. 1/4 page, 1/2page, whole, double page spread etc. You also need to know where the book is to be sold, ie, do they require rights for just Poland or is the book in English and to be sold in English speaking countries or perhaps worldwide?

When you license the image you should do it on a non-exclusive basis so that you can licence it again. If they want exclusivity, then they will have to pay a whole lot more money. Remember that you are only selling rights to use the image, you are not selling your copyright.

I hope that helps.

Good luck!


Re: Pricing question

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:30 am
by David Kilpatrick
Getty now has partnership with Flickr. Getty will sell images from Flickr. I suggest you find out what Getty might charge!

But, as a guide, I would say that for a normal book use a single image like this used on half a page might be paid around $100. It is not a fortune (think how many images are used in a book) but this is about the going rate.


Re: Pricing question

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:19 am
by Dr. Harout
I'm new to that Markus, so wish you good luck.

Re: Pricing question

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:36 am
by springm
Thx for your replies, I will start to negotiate with them on that basis.
