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London calling .

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:53 pm
by dee
I am dee , and am new here , having used Minoltas since 1975 .

I actually bought one of those acclaimed Olympus OM1 cameras , but quickly p/exed it foran old SRT SUPER . Too fiddly by half !

Many SRTs followed , together with a few older Minoltas SR3 / 7 ...
and my favourites - SRs and Sr 7 v .

However , I could not get on with cameras post XE1 / XD 7 .. and taking pictures was no longer an escape from the chaos of mild autistic dee'sruption, so I gave up ...

Digital has revived my ability to '' contain '' a confusing out of phase world through the window of a camera - but I now use a Leica M 8 and Digilux 3 .

Both having the traditional interface so familair and safe to me .

However , a crucial factor is that my Digitally Redundant Rokkors hve a new lease of life on the DIg 3 -
My favourites being the 45 f2 , which becomes a light , compact 90mm and my 35 f 1.8 - a neat 70mm !
Unfortunately , my 24mm is now a humble 48mm !

I have yet to use the 85 F 1.7 mc - 'cso it's enormous - but a 170 f 1.7 has got to be awesome hiccup!

I hope to just lose myself in Monolta lore and just chil out - virtual people are so much easier to cope with than real ones hiccup!


Re: London calling .

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:15 am
by David Kilpatrick
Enjoy your 4/3rds Minolta!

I make that Minol, to the nearest 0.25. Seven letters don't make a clean 4/3rds...
