Hello from Bavaria

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Hello from Bavaria

Unread post by springm »

my name is Markus Spring, coming from Bavaria. 2005 I re-started my photography with a Minolta 7D after having played for a while with a digital compact and a bridge camera. Beeing the father of three, one of the major annoyances with this otherwise great camera was the slow AF, especially in lower-than-average light. Having switched to the A700, I now fully enjoy photographing in sub-par lighting conditions. As an avid linux user, all my postprocessing is done with the various linux tools, especially lightzone, gimp and digikam.
My current photography can be found on my photoblog, http://spring2life.blogspot.com and I would invite everybody for feedback and critics.

Best regards - Markus
David Kilpatrick
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Re: Hello from Bavaria

Unread post by David Kilpatrick »

Hi Markus. I think you are a good photojournalist and your blog is compulsive, I'd read a lot more if I had time now.

You should contact Hans Wiesenhofer of Fotoclub Austria. This is the old Minolta Club Austria. It is now sponsored by Sony. Hans used to be a photographer for Time-Life and has done many journalistic photo books. He runs photo workshops and weeks, and I have been on two of these in the 1980s - they are serious, and aimed at good standards of creative editorial/illustrative/art photography. You mention wanting to go on a workshop, and I think Hansls events (Steiermark based, with visits to Graz, Vienna, special locations) would suit you well. He would certainly appreciate your work.

His Foto Tage was Juni 14-20 this year. We are thinking of getting some British over again next year, we did it in 1987 and it went down well!


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Location: Bad Reichenhall, Germany

Re: Hello from Bavaria

Unread post by springm »

thank you for the warm welcome. Sorry for having posted my first message twice, maybe an admin can delete one of them.

I just tried the link to photoclubaustria.at and will follow their announcements of workshops, thank you very much for the hint.

In the last time I have developed a great liking for british, esp. scottish landscape photography, the books from Charlie Waite are more than seducing in this sense. This kind of light I'd like to discover, so when the kids are a bit older, I definitely plan to Great Britain and Scotland.
At the moment my traveling is more directed on business trips to Sri Lanka, and my primary goal for the time beeing is to see at home as photographically as I seem to do abroad.
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