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Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:03 pm
by bossel
I just submitted an answer to the 'rights on photos' in this forum, and it was rejected because it contained 3 smileys :shock: There was an error message 'only 2 smileys per post are allowed'. Can we raise this to 5 or make it dependend on the length of the post? :|

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:58 pm
by David Kilpatrick
I may alter it but it was put in place to discourage Sonolta from excessive visual hysterics in posts...


Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:23 am
by KevinBarrett
David Kilpatrick wrote:I may alter it but it was put in place to discourage Sonolta from excessive visual hysterics in posts...

I'm tempted to use more than two smileys just because you said that!

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:04 am
by Javelin
more than 2 might mess with the smile detection on the cameras !

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:47 pm
by pakodominguez
Sonolta wrote:A better idea would be to limit DK to just two lies per thread
Impressive: you are still here...
I think I can not manage rejection this way -even if I did a lot of progress in this field. Don't you want to be loved?

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:02 am
by Chris Malcolm
Sonolta wrote: "But since people like talking about other people behind their backs on here..."

Although I've been using email and newsgroups since they were invented, I've only recently started using web forums like this one. I was under the impression that they were rather limited in the way they could handle discussions. I had no idea you could do something as sophisticated as "talk behind someone's back"!

How is this done?

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:58 am
by Chris Malcolm
Sonolta wrote:Who are you and what do you want? Are you posting here just to practice your typing skills? :roll:

The answer to your question is in my previous post.

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:42 am
by HFnotts
Oh dear, I have tended to keep away from forums because of the way folk just don't seem to hold the basic courtesies of communication and tend to insult others so freely.
I had hoped this would be the same but I fear not from reading several threads. This is a great shame because there is much that anyone of whatever level of knowledge and experience can learn from postings.
It is easy to write things which are uncomplimentary on these forums and which, generally, would not be said in the same manner in a face to face conversation.
A little common courtesy to each other does not go amiss and really doesn't do any harm.
We all get bees in our bonnets and sometimes fly off the handle but a little delay in typing a reply associated with some forethought and consideration really can be quite beneficial.
I hate arguments and discourtesies from whatever source - but, then, I am a white haired, white bearded old crumbly from a previous generation! :D :lol:

Re: Only 2 smileys per post?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:58 pm
by HFnotts
Thank you Sonalta.
You prove my point and I will not be visiting again.