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"Old" minolta lenses on A900?????

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:30 am
by Mogih
Im abit confussed, having read a ton of articles and previews on the a900. Is it possible to use "old" minolta lenses, from analog SLR, on the new a900, without any problem???
By the way, the a900 is in the stores here in Denmark next week... Prize: 25.000 danish kr, 3.700 kr for the verticalgrib..
Thx :)
Michael Hansen(Denmark)

Re: "Old" minolta lenses on A900?????

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:35 am
by Dr. Harout
Hi Michael and welcome to the forum.
If they are referring to Minolta AF lenses, then the answer is yes you could use them, but not the older lenses 'MD-Rokkor' which are not AF.