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Tamron 18-250 versus kit supplied lenses.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:03 pm
by Ralpheyesight
I read with interest the article on the 18-250mm Tamron lens in the latest issue of the magazine.
However how does this one single lens compare with the two kit lenses supplied with the Alpha. There seemed to be quite a few cons as well as positives. I suppose this is only to be expected with such a compromise lens.
I am interested as I am a long time bad back sufferer and any reduction in weight along with and improvement in quality would be welcome.
I have to say I have not had any complaints with the two kit lenses, for my type of photography and plenty of people see my pictures in club and folio work. I don't over push them in size usually printing up to around 15" longest side.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:08 pm
by David Kilpatrick
The Tamron is a bit better for close-ups than the 75-300mm, which gets a bit soft. Also, it is much better around 70mm than the 18-70mm is, but the 75-300mm is pretty good at 75mm. I'd rate the Tamron better all round from 18 to 150mm, but the kit tele zoom is better from 150-300mm. It is faster, too.

I would not swap unless I needed a single lens for a special reason. The kit lenses are very light and they perform surprisingly well.


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:26 am
by Ralpheyesight
Many thanks for the prompt reply, I will stick with what I have. Think I will add the Tamron 90mm macro for that type of work.