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I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:05 pm
by Dusty
Quoting Will Smith from "Independence Day" : "I have got to get me one of these!"

I'm referring, of course, to the A550. No, I haven't seen or held one yet, but the specs look great! I was waiting to see whether to get another 350 or the new 550, but I like the new specs.

Now I have to see just how the new sensor handles skin tones, and colors in general.

Has a price been announced yet?


Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:17 pm
by bfitzgerald
A550 $950 body only

A500 $750 body only

The specs look good, but.. :roll:
What happened to MLU, DOF preview, DMF, AEL spot toggle, Spot metering circle gone in VF!, and it's got a slightly worse VF than the A200. Can I mention lack of ISO in the viewfinder? Who's asleep at Sony land!!!

If that lot was sorted, I would buy 2 of em, maybe I am just a bit fussy, this is Sony's D5000 killer..I wanted a D90 killer myself :mrgreen:

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:37 pm
by Birma
bfitzgerald wrote:The specs look good, but.. :roll:
What happened to MLU, DOF preview, DMF, AEL spot toggle, Spot metering circle gone in VF!, and it's got a slightly worse VF than the A200. Can I mention lack of ISO in the viewfinder? Who's asleep at Sony land!!!

If that lot was sorted, I would buy 2 of em, maybe I am just a bit fussy, this is Sony's D5000 killer..I wanted a D90 killer myself :mrgreen:
Personally, part of the 'fun' of new releases is to find out what Barry is going to say about them. I would be quite disappointed if Barry had 'liked' any of the three new cameras - we would be losing our balance as a forum :D . I may not agree with you Barry, but I like that "Stonewall" style 8) .

One comment, there is an AEL button, what is wrong with it?

I look forward to DK getting one, and his review, although I am sure we will all have lots of interesting discussion in the mean time.

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:41 pm
by bfitzgerald
I am of course just being picky. They do look good..impressive on the spec sheets. But you have to admit, Sony are still unwilling to go the whole way and just be done with it. Would have been great to have a non LV model, that would have been ideal for me.

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:43 pm
by Dusty
Spec, views, etc. are up on the SonyStyle UK site, but as of yet not on the US site.

Neither have prices posted.


Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:48 pm
by Javelin
DPR says the VF is better than the other LV cameras. and on par with Nikon... of course they also compare it to the Canon IDs heh... no shame in them...

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:51 pm
by bfitzgerald
Prices are up on DPR

Viewfinder magnification of these new cameras is 0.80x compared to 0.83x for the A100/200 Km5d etc.
So slightly worse, ok not a mega big deal..but you have to remember, I paid not a lot for the pay over double and not get a better VF is not something that appeals!

Bottom line to more trad shooters, Sony's fast AF live view compromises the VF..end of story. End of interest!

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:54 pm
by peterottaway
I can only answer for myself Barry but if the A550 had a good OFV and was basically a 14MP D90 type camera I would be saying stuff waiting for the A7xx model(s), for the price this is good enough.

But I am an unrepentant traditionalist and these cameras will probably sell very well in the general market anyway.

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:03 pm
by bfitzgerald
I have more niggles ;-)
No AF micro adjust (I'll take this over face detection anyday thanks)
No built in AF assist light.
I was really hoping for less gimmick stuff (HDR, FD etc etc) and a bit more practical (such as above)
Do we really need a button for DR? How about WB..far more useful.
Bracketing max 0.7 hmmmmmmmmmmmm, this one mentioned oh so many times!
Still only 2 stops exp compensation, this needs to be 3 IMO

I admit I am super fussy, and I don't expect a pro level camera for this price..has to be said though. If Oly can put AF adjustments on the E-620, Sony can on this.

I am convinced Sony really don't listen :lol:

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:37 pm
by David Kilpatrick
The A550 combination of 7fps with mirror up - we all thought it would be a much faster rate - and good high ISO (if true) offers some potential. It will be almost silent, like making just a single exposure with only the shutter action, no mirror. This could work extremely well for portraits, politicians making speeches and similar subjects. Less intrusive than full-on motordrive.


Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:45 pm
by destrianlives
Mirror up 7fps.... so what... its a CMOS sensor... why not give flash sync up too 1/1000th a second since the sensor is doing the clicking. :) Come on D.Kilpatrick... lets root for that... so I will stop thinking about a Hassleblad 1/1000 flash sync. :) Yes and I want it in a Sony A950!!! Not to mention low noise and wifi!!! :)

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:51 pm
by Lonnie Utah
David Kilpatrick wrote:The A550 combination of 7fps with mirror up and good high ISO (if true) offers some potential.
Wonder if Sonolta is rushing out to buy his yet???? ;)

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:54 pm
by bossel
David Kilpatrick wrote:The A550 combination of 7fps with mirror up...
Seems I was nearly right!
Bossel wrote:What about this: Maybe the camera achieves 7fps by opening the shutter and then taking 2 exposures before closing the shutter to refocus. So mechanically, this would be only 3.5 fps and with this technology they might go up to 10fps. But probably a single bionz can't cope with that...

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:02 pm
by bfitzgerald
I've never known anyone need 7fps for portraits :P

I wonder how important FPS is to most folks? For the type of stuff I do, not very..3fps is fine.
I just want a new Dynax 5d with a better LCD and nicer VF, change nothing else ;-)

Re: I have got to get me one of these!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:23 pm
by agorabasta
bfitzgerald wrote:I've never known anyone need 7fps for portraits :P
Barry, those 7fps must be MLU starting 2nd frame and on... Cheer up!