
For discussion of the E and FE mount mirrorless system
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Unread post by Vidgamer »

Yeah, I know you're not supposed to be able to use the Nex for airshow pics, but I enjoy doing things that are a bit of a challenge sometimes.

I did cheat a bit. I bought (for around $20) a cheap viewfinder/magnifier thingie. Works great! Sure it is a bit distorted and has CA, so you can't really judge the quality of your photos as well as without the viewer, but for blocking out the sun and seeing your target, it did the job I wanted it to do.

I can never seem to size pics small enough for this forum. :oops: Check 'em out here: ... ow2012.htm

I used the Minolta 100-300 APO (non-D), manually focusing and panning with the motion. Failed attempts were mostly due to my focusing abilities or lack thereof. Panning usually works pretty well along with higher shutter speeds.

In the end, I probably would have gotten a few more keepers with a DSLR. Since my Nex has more pixels and better DR than my DSLR, where I did get a good in-focus shot, it's possible that my results are better with the Nex. I'll probably need to print at poster size to find out. ;)

I've gone to airshows for several years now, and upgrading cameras has definitely improved results, but there is a point where you hit diminishing returns.
Imperial Ambassador
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Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:37 am

Re: Airshow

Unread post by Vidgamer »

I printed the 2nd photo (from the previously mentioned link) at 8x10 inches and it's got plenty of detail. I wonder if I could print some of my more marginal photos at 8x10? Not as many "keepers" as I would have liked, but then, I seem to have a lot more pixels than is really necessary for 8x10. Anyway, it's clear that I could print a lot larger, as long as the source's quality is good.
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