Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

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Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aster »

Hi all, :)

I need suggestions on a good video-editing software and how powerful a computer I need to avoid crashes. Since all new camera models have the HD video format and video editing will be inevitable, how do the software cope with these files?

Though unrelated with the title, seeing how the new version of IDC V4 kept crashing on my computer, I began to assume that the current computer may not be sufficient for advanced RAW or movie editing. ( I don't know if IDC V4 itself is unstable because other software don't crash while running on my computer)

Some of you edit movies of mild lenght, how do you work on the HD format files without crashing? And if possible can you give information on your computer as well?

Video-editing software + computer ?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aramkostanyan »

I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. There is a big difference between CS5 and CS5.5 in the delay time that you switch prom other programs back to adobe.
I use a laptop Sony vaio, Core 2 Duo P8600, 2.4GHz, 4Gb ram, 64 bit OS, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650.
With HD files it works OK, only slows down when I fast forward the video.

Also, Edius Cannopus is a good program.
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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aster »

Thank you, Aram. : )

I was taking a look at CS 5.5 myself last night. Gets a 4 star out of 5. Sounds good. The computer sounds powerful as well. Vaio 64bit with 4GB sounds stable to my ears. Will have a look at them at the store closely.

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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by agorabasta »

I can't comment on video editing software, I don't do video at all. But computer hardware has almost exactly same requirements for the stills editing as it does for the video. So here goes:

Choose a machine with real quad core processors at least. The processor speed is mostly irrelevant, as the fastest from the slowest don't differ too much in real speed. So just choose the slowest processor out of the fastest kind of architecture. If you wish to settle on a laptop/notebook machine, that limits the choice to the Intel i7-2630QM processor.

Memory amount and speed are more important than the processor speed for most image-editing tasks. So go for no less than 8GB, 4GB would be the worst limiting factor for your work. Also, choose a machine with full dual memory channels; if that's a notebook, it must have two pairs of SODIMM slots and quoted as a 'max 16GB' machine. But don't try and put all those 16GB in - it may cause some software/driver incompatibilities; 12GB is a good safe value.

Considering modern notebooks, avoid Nvidia video adapters by all means. Those adapters work only together with the video core built into the i-core processors. And that constant switching really kills the processor speed in anything but gaming/3D applications because only then the Nvidia is always on and never switches. Also avoid machines that use only the Intel built-in video.
So just get a machine with ATI/AMD video with large dedicated video memory.

All in all, such a machine won't be small/light. So don't spend money on a good IPS-screen models, as you most likely would have to hook up an external monitor anyway.

The cheaper machines matching the requirements are made by Acer and Lenovo, but things change fast. Still anyway, an equally fast Vaio would cost you 3-4 times more. And in the modern environment all those computers are a kind of a totally expendable commodity thing. Now it makes much more sense to invest in higher reliability storage.

Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by mvanrheenen »

Hi Yildiz,

Like agorabasta, I don't have any experience with video editting, but can offer you advise about a computer setup.

I second his asessment about memory amount and speed being more important than CPU capacity. I would like to add harddisk speeds for this as well. Although harddisks with high capacity don't cost all that much nowadays (well, except for this quarter due to the floods in Thailand) , the speed of the discs could be a bottleneck when editting video (as well as images). I would suggest looking at a 2 disc setup if available: one small but fast disc purely for our operating system, programs an temporary storage for editting. A fast disc will increase the performance of your system and editting tools dramatically. Look into SSD discs for example. They are based on flash memory tecnhology, not unlike the cards you put in your camera, which greately improves read and write speeds. For a second disc, you could choose capacity over speed to store your data. A 5400RPM disc could do the trick, as long as you use it for storage only.

I would offer 2 points which could make you rethink choosing a notebook. Although it sounds appealling, I find most notebooks not all too appealling for imaging editting for 2 reasons:

#1 - The screen - Most notebooks for the consumermarket don't offer options to calibrate your screen. Only control would be softcontrols from your graphical controller and maybe only brightness control. Mostly only TN panels are offered, which are cheap, but not the best for showing accurate images. And for me personally the most annoying: a lot of screens are "glare" or "glass" screens nowadays. This type of coating looks very nice in the shop, but are horrible to work with due to the reflections the a smooth surface like that has.

#2 Ergonimics - Mostly overlooked by the typical consumer, but most notebooks aren't made with an ergonomic workplace in mind. Maybe it looks appealling to sit on the couch with your shiny new computer, until you starting to get tingling feelings in your shoulders, arm or wrist... Even sitting on a desk with just your notebook isn't very good for your health, as your wrists are in an awkward position when typing.

Surely, there are exceptions for the above, but often those are exponentially more expensive than their counterparts. Also, these don't apply when you use your notebook as a desktop with monitor and keyboard attached.

Good luck!

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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aster »

Hi Agorabasta; Hi Mark, : )

Thank you both for the intricate info on computer set ups. I've taken notes of everything you warned me about. I know what to look for now. You've made 'eye-opening' remarks as usual.

Greatly appreciated all feedback. :)


Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by mvanrheenen »

Hi Yildiz,

You are welcome. If you have need of any more info, please don't hesitate to ask. Selecting a new computersystem can be a daunting and confusing task for a lot of people.

Good luck!

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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aramkostanyan »

I agree with Mark and Agorbasta,

I just told my system, that in sense of power is ok, but not overall.
About the laptop ergonomics. When I have a chance to do it, I always put an external monitor and keyboard. As the monitor is very low quality, it is low on the table, so it is not comfortable to use.
Also, vaio has low quality screens, its only good quality one has Z series notebook, I like its idea, but its too expensive.
If you do not need portability, you would likely to buy a desktop computer with half of the price for notebook, that would be much more powerful, in that case you could consider a cheap laptop as a companion for travelling. It's just an idea.
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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by InTheSky »

Adobe is a suggestion, but costly ... , on budget wize Sony Vegas is the winner.

After that for the computer, if you are welling to wait to render the movie, there is no need for a monster.

To do the Post production, well, big PC are well recommend, but today the key is GPU (Graphic Processing Unit). Meaning that it is the Video card that decode and even offer processing power to read and apply live filter and effect on your screen.

Adobe is probably the best, but if you need to focus more on transition, adding sound and play with simple effect I do not recommend it.


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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aster »

Thanks all! :D

I'm now searching for the necessary attributions my future computer will comprise.

Frank, just as a side note, which version of the Vegas would you recommend? There's a Pro-version which is the most pricey one and there are less expensive packages. Are we talking about the Vegas Pro 11 which is around $ 600 US ?


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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by InTheSky »

depending what you want to do, the basic version should satisfy most of the need to video starting edition. and on my side I'm only using the platinum version. This choice was base on the fact the soundforge and DVD maker and also free or right music and soung package included. If you don't need a software to build DVD and one to play with the sound in advance mode, stay with the standard version arround 100$.


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Re: Video Editing Software For HD - Suggestions ?

Unread post by aster »

Thanks, Frank. : )

I do plan to integrate music into my video streams...So it's the more pro version to look into than the consumer-friendly build.
I think a more advanced build will offer more flexibility.

Thanks for all the helpful feedback.

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