Future of A mount

Specifically for the discussion of the A-mount DSLR range
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by the_hefay »

classiccameras wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 3:45 pm The Sony A 580 was a great camera, but it died along with the other sensible A mount cameras.
I loved my a580. Well I still enjoy it, only now it's an full-spectrum converted camera. Maybe I should dust it off again and shoot something. :D
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by classiccameras »

Get using it before it all seizes up, The 560 was also great. I had a 550,
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

That 16mp sensor was a good one I liked it a lot in various cameras.
Sony could have done a real 6 or 7 series camera with a pentaprism OVF and that sensor, in a real mid/semi pro body aka a proper A700 upgraded
Sony wiped their entry bodies out after the A200-350 series, the A500/550 were strange misfires
This is Sony though it's about what they want v what the customer wants. Lot of people using E mount are bored of the same small bodies.
Sony's response
"here have the same thing over and over again" Witness the new A6700 I guarantee it's very similar to the other APS-C ones. Rather than seeing a potential for wildlife/sports/action shooters with actual good ergonomics(not going to be a cheap either), Sony's obsession with small is hampering their line up.

Look at some of the liked SLT features, on axis LCD, top LCD panel, larger comfortable bodies, focus limiter in body. Nope all ignored
And the obvious "let's have a real adapter for A to E"
Sony - "Here have one that only works on a couple of really expensive bodies with screw drive AF" oh and no video AF
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by classiccameras »

Interesting you mention 16mp, both the A57 and A37 which I owned ( and regretted selling them ) had identical 16mp sensors, they were very good, the A57 in particular was a standout camera among all the others, never to be repeated. I have a A58, its no better in picture quality at 20mp than the 16mp cameras, Some of my pictures using the standard kit zoom on the A57 were a tad sharper than the A58. some thing to do with pixel density so I'm told. It seems that the very high pixel count cameras are better at capturing more detail, but I suspect at the expense of sharpness and some times noise

My Panasonic FZ330 Bridge with small sensor but only 12mp gives razor sharp pictures as does my TZ70 compact, same 12mp sensor. Reviews of the 24mp A68 were not so complementary to its picture quality as earlier 16mp cameras. Most cameras are being made with the videographer as the most important customer, Panasonic in particular are most guilty

Sony are staying small because every body else are on the small is good marketing ploy, but they are also dictating the trend, not sure about that. I gave up my A6000 because it was not nice to hold and use. My Panasonic GX7 of similar size is infinitely nicer to hold and use
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Re: Future of A mount

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In some ways I regret selling the A57, it was quite good overall. Didn't like the hard viewfinder eyecup, nor the have to press the AF button to change AF points, and the EVF was a bit wishy washy though usable. Output was good low light decent enough and I found the AF to be quite good, had no problems tracking action shots with it (subject to using the right mode!) Decent buffer too
I suppose with the A77 around albeit larger body it does what the A57 does with more controls (A57 still bit better high ISO). I like the built in GPS, and with 3 bodies A77/77ii/99 I'm not sure I need more once you mix in the 2 x 5d's. I keep an eye out for a900's for the OVF experience maybe when the price is right

The A68 I have not used, maybe I will pick one up if it's dirt cheap down the road. Evidently the IQ isn't quite as good at the 77ii (from people I hear who have used both). It was clearly a parts bin camera, though it does have the 79 point AF and AF micro adjustment.

The A6xxx series is I assume an attempt at a compact ILC system, but I'm puzzled why it's the only body style they offer. I still use the A6300 which has one obvious advantage over the A6000, the electronic shutter and that is probably at this time the only reason why I keep it around (and the videos I do it works well for that). Once I take it off the tripod it's a very mediocre designed camera, which isn't that nice to hold or use. Most of the time it's on the tripod or taking test shots. I may try it for film shots of negatives/slides as the IR remote is the same as the others. I'll keep it around for a while, for a used buy it wasn't a bad deal (cheaper than the A6100 by far), it's not a particularly fun camera to use just a sensor (decent one) shoved in a box with a few buttons on it! Sony have no real ambition or design flare, which I don't understand why they don't do new things with the bodies APS-C and FF. One body type repeated over and over is surely limiting their appeal to some users?

I'm not sure where all this "can't buy A mount bodies new" stuff comes from a quick eBay search and erm... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Future of A mount

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:shock: Wow! You found so "great" prices for . :shock:
Everything in the life unusual!
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

I dropped into the DPR forums just for fun and a quick read, there is quite a bit of "angst" there from some posters. With various theories flying around
DPR did a video again on A mount "requiem" - Chris/Jordan are nice enough guys, though the video was not very well researched and failed to mention some obvious points. There are also some interesting comments on that video on the main DPR page too.

https://www.dpreview.com/videos/5722998 ... dslr-mount
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Re: Future of A mount

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This is what I always consider before buying some new camera gear, particularly something as expensive as switching systems:

What is the problem with my current gear that is holding me back that I hope to fix by spending all that money? And how important is that problem?

If your current gear is still mostly doing what you want then why change or care what might happen in the future? If in the future things are different and you can no longer get the Sony body you want to replace a broken one or some other reason then at that point you can look at what the options are.

With m4/3 I am still pretty happy with the gear I have. I don't care one bit about what the future for m4/3 is because if at some future time they aren't making any more new m4/3 gear then if I want to buy something new then I will look at my options. Until then I don't really care.

By the way, if the main reason is that you just want to change or spend money then it is best to just admit that to yourself and others. That is called being mentally healthy. Weird rationalizations, pretzel logic, self-deception, etc. to try to justify something to yourself and others is a form of mental illness, I think. There is nothing wrong with just wanting something and if you admit that is the main reason then the rest is easy. I bought a PEN-F in 2016 and both to myself and to others I said that it was just because I wanted it. :) My E-M10II, E-M10, and E-M5 were just fine, but I liked the styling and decided I wanted a silver one so I bought it.
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

Welcome to the world of marketing. I'm sure camera makers "want" people to feel their gear it outdated, possibly inadequate and that they need to spend lots of money to "update it" with nano coatings, super wave sonic dual drive AF motors, ultra weather sealing, 8k video etc etc.
It is only natural people do have some moaning to do on the forums I can get that, understand it completely. Also agree Sony didn't handle A mount very well in later years/adapters etc. None of this matters as to what works or can do the job.

I somehow managed with equipment that is now considered completely obsolete or close to that. I've no problems people slapping Sony down and moaning a bit, particularly if they spent a ton of cash or actually believed the interviews stating their support for A mount (lol indeed). Won't do any good but a bit of venting can make people feel better ;-D

I'm glad these sites picked up on it, albeit somewhat late. I'm sure Sony would prefer it quietly slipped into the night, so a bit of negative PR (compounded with silence from Sony) is no bad thing. Least people know what is going on
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by classiccameras »

Men and their cameras are often referred to as Male Jewellery. I have nothing against Sony and A mount, but they poorly managed its potential, what A mount I have I will keep, but no more money for A mount, the rest of my small collection is being down sized as its not used that much, my Panasonic FZ330 bridge gets more use than all the others put together, its incredibly versatile for me that is. I agree with Barry, the more high tech language you attach to a product's advertising, (and I must admit I don't understand most of it ) is the modern marketing ploy. Lets face it SLT got it in the neck from day one by the photo media and it put some doubt into the camera buying public. Sony never really responded, yet sales were eventually quite good. I guess many photographers think the grass may be greener on the other side brand wise, but its so easy to jump out the frying pan and end up in the fire. May be a case of buy in haste, repent at leisure.
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

Always was fun the tech/gear side, but largely irrelevant to actual photography!
I used to go into the local camera shop, a Minolta dealer (now a Nikon one). He knew full well I had pocket money and couldn't afford any of the real Minolta cameras, so I used to buy filters and cable releases. And he used to show me the new stuff that came in the 8000i was super cool the "predictive AF", expansion cards. Even just playing with one and the cheaper models I was blown away.
I ever dreamed of having one, or similar to that - ended up with an Olympus bridge 35mm (nice enough camera still have it good lens) it just worked out more affordable with a 35-135mm lens. Back then you got a 35-70mm at best and lenses were pricey enough.

Fast forward today and I have everything I could ever have wanted and more. Yet here we are with an end of life system - and that is quite sad. Sony could have kept things going fairly easily IMO, A77iii easy to do and a few models every 4-5 years. But nope that's it folks. Of course we can adapt to e/buy used or just move on. I sometimes think a clean break would be nice, yet it is hard to let go of some of those classic lenses. They are not always the best, but many have a wonderful look to them.

I suppose that's the hook isn't it, yet more new stuff to play with. Same for musicians I know someone with 35 guitars, I think 2-3 would be enough!
Camera makers must love these "super spenders" who over decades put vast sums of cash into their hands. Yet I look back and a simple film camera inspired me more, or the KM5d with a kit lens and 50mm prime - was at the time enough for me. How times change!
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by classiccameras »

I have 10 guitars and when my missus said I had too many I just mentioned how many pairs of shoes and hand bags she had, the conversation dried up
I started with the lowly Zenit E, then a Praktica, Then a Pentax Spotmatic great camera with a 55 mm F/2 Super Takumar lens. We never had the luxury of zoom lenses, what there were were very expensive. We all used tele photo lenses or prime wide angles, 35 and 28 mm being the most popular.

Then the Canon AE-1 came along with a variety of FD lenses, excellent bit of kit, but it got swapped for Minoltas, stayed with those till I got an EOS 600 auto load/wind. Had a Rolleiflex SLR for a while, then my first digital was Olympus E-510 twin lens kit, still got it but it rarely gets used.
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bakubo »

Maybe Sony could make a deal with JIP to sell their A-mount business. That is what Olympus did. JIP created OM Digital Solutions to continue the line of gear. We shall see what comes of it.
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by classiccameras »

Interesting concept, it might be the way to go, and may be others as well.
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Re: Future of A mount

Unread post by bfitzgerald »

That would be great ideal in fact, highly doubt it will happen though. Huge loss IMO as A mount deserved far better
Sony are content to let A mount drift into history - they had little interest in it for many years mere token gestures. What would interest me more is if they get their act sorted out on the adapter - on that I suspect not much will happen there either. Maybe a few newer bodies will support it

My money is on RF mount - if Canon drop an entry level FF body with sensor IS, that's half decent. That will be enough to seal the deal for me. So many EF lenses to adapt, the most compatible adapter from all makers. Wildcard Nikon Z, if they can get their mojo back. They also need a better adapter FTZ for screw drive lenses. Lot of Nikon users envy the LAEA5, but don't know it doesn't work on many bodies at all! They assume it works on all or most.
I think long term Canon will again dominate they have the design/ergos in a way Sony just don't, and probably never will they are stuck with their boxy bodies and refuse to innovate with design. I'm not big into built in grips, however this is what serious high end action shooters want. Sony's E mount grips are terrible big and lack controls (huge step backwards)

I think we have to accept A Mount is history it just depends if you want to keep riding this one out into the sunset, or jump on another horse :mrgreen:
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