Challenge 13: “Feel The Rhythm, Hear the Sound”- Concluded

A photo challenge starting January 5th 2009. One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Aster has been appointed moderator of this forum in recognition of her commitment to making it great fun. This does not prevent others from setting challenges!

Moderator: aster

Forum rules
One image only, normal size restrictions apply (1000 pixel maximum width or height recommended - if vertical we suggest 700 pixels maximum width). No followup images (comparisons) except by those who have not already posted their one image. Discussion welcome - please only repeat images in discussion posts if absolutely essential. Participants should provide basic camera data (body, lens, ISO, mode, exposure over-ride or WB settings), and details of raw processing and subsequent PP.
David Kilpatrick
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rythm, Hear the Sound”

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2001 surely not 1991?

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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rythm, Hear the Sound”

Unread post by UrsaMajor »

David Kilpatrick wrote: 2001 surely not 1991?
Ah yes, you are absolutely correct - I should have said that it was scanned in 2001.

Another Senior Moment exposed for all to see . . . :oops:

With best wishes,
- Tom -
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rythm, Hear the Sound”

Unread post by UrsaMajor »

aster wrote:The ladies are giving it everything they've got in there, wonderful moments that every girl should have to remember with pride. It really is a sport of rhythm and harmony to conclude in an efficient timing and effort.
They were actually more in harmony than it appears when looking at the picture. The girl at the back was responsible for the steering, and would switch her paddling from one side to the other as needed to keep the canoe on course. She was not out of sync with the others, even though it appears that way. This image caught her in the middle of switching sides to correct the direction of the canoe.

If my memory is correct, that crew covered a large range of ages. The girl at the back was only 19 years old, and the woman paddling in the second position was 51. The others ranged in age from mid-20s to early 30s. The woman in the front position had three children, the woman in the #2 position had three grown children, and my daughter (#3 position) had two children at that time. If my memory is correct, the remaining women did not have any children at that time.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rythm, Hear the Sound” - Judging

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Judging in Progress

Hello everybody, :D

Thank you all for your contributions to this challenge.

We hope to be back with the results soon.
Please enjoy the other threads in the forum or continue creating new ones that are to your interest! :D

Enjoy and thanks,

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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rythm, Hear the Sound” - Judging

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Hello and welcome to the result announcements of this particular challenge! :D

As true as it may be difficult to capture the particulars of attaining rhythm and hearing the sound through photography, we were looking for any kind rhythmic occurrence that we’re familiar with in life however routine they may come to be to us.

An antique clock’s brass pendulum ticking away the moments; a band of musicians marching away in harmonic arm and leg movements; a bunch of hungry baby robins crying out for food at the same time; a group of dancers performing in haarmonic moves; a bunch trees bending to a storm; a trail of clouds that appear to share the same physical aspects; Drummers with drums; waves hitting the shore with idetical intervals; a road with idetical light poles extending into the horizon and many other occurrences could fit the topic.

Here are the selection criteria:

*A sense of coordinated-rhythm that prevails in the scene.
*A sense of familiarity and distinction that doesn’t go amiss by the viewer.
*A sense of good composition and coverage; a fine design of frame estate usage.
*A sense of good post-processing whatever the intent of style is.


In the light of the above here are the results.

There is a tie of winners in this challenge and David Kilpatrick and Olaf Ulrich share the spotlight for premeditated approaches in shooting their photos to get the most expression out of the actual event.

David Kilpatrick’s photo caught a pair of hovering hands on a goblet drum, just barely short of making their beating touches on the tense skin surface. The focus, with the assistance of the spot above, is on the movements of the hands and the drummer is pushed into the darkn oblivion of an other existence. The sense of rhythm is in the way the fingers are curled to start their beating.

The photo estate is nicely used and the message is clear; one glance into the photo and the viewer already is aware of what they are seeing and what it stands for.

An extra gesture of appreciation is presented by the judges for using a goblet drum from the brand of CÜMBÜŞ, which is a sign that it probably was purchased in Turkey. (Cümbüş is a Turkish word which means fun; small gatherings where participants sing, play and dance.)

The photo was taken with a Canon 450D but as we’re welcoming photos from all brands that prevail a sense of quality, Alphas are in no position of being second to any brand that’s willing to provide exactly that.

Congratulations David Kilpatrick and thank you for participating! :D


Olaf, our ‘tier’ in this challenge, bring to us a small band of natural horns.

The ‘subtle’ elements that we are now quite acquainted with in his photography work are yet again prevailing. The artist enjoys indirect symbols that come together to form a sense of harmony and bondage.

By shooting the photo from behind, he brings the identical and repeating elements to the viewers’ attention: the circular openings of the brass horns and the idetical yet differenty-coloured costumes provide the sense rhythm and harmony while also providing a sense of familiarity as we can see such sights in all countries, from the people of all nations much in the same discipline.

The photo has no distracting elements and post-processed to suit the intentions of the photographer.

Congratulations Olaf Ulrich and thank you very much for participating! :D

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rhythm, Hear the Sound”-Announcement

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Our next line-up of photos is “Shooting-Live-from-the-event” type which have a more candid yet mixed approach.

Brian Young’s photo presents one of the most authentic premise; darkly tanned natives with the pursing shape on their lips; palm tree and island patterns on shirts; the old travelling valise the front man sits on; the white sandy beach; the authentic guitars make for a very lively scene. If it weren’t for the bright base colours of the shirts and the very-unauthentic dark slacks and inappropriate shoes and the plastic beach chaise lounges the musicians could almost blend in with the backdrop of palm trees!

But there’s an intensity and will on those non-smiling faces that the viewer feels respect for even if the sounds are not heard.

Congratulations and thank you for participating Brian Young / Bonneville! :D


Cogito’s photo, an other authentic setting which tries to get the ambiance of the show from the sidelines has the aura of a more journalistic approach.

Taken from under the bloom-bearing branches of a cherry tree that frames a group of dancers/drummers performing in their authentic attires on an elivated stage, surrounded by spectators and maybe reporters with camcorders , this is more of a local-newspaper photo. It bears a lot of information though not necessarily focusing on the main event which is the dancers/drummers themselves.

Thank you for your participation Cogito and congratulations! :D



Bakubo’s photo, enriched with authentic elements is a little inappropriately cropped which results in an undecided scene.

This may be due to a shortage of free space to move about to take the photo and take the whole scene in. It definitely would beneficial if we could see more of the suspended bamboo mat, the ornamentations to left of the drum and a little of the floor and the monk’s feet if possible to make this a ‘whole’ photo.

Thank you for your participation Bakubo and congratulations! :D

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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rhythm, Hear the Sound”-Announcement

Unread post by aster »

Continued from the previous post...

Pakodominguez takes us to yet an other native band of musicians. This is yet an other photo that we can see in a pamphlet or tourist guide when a certain restaurant or bar advertises for live-music.

It’s a candid coverage that shows musicians enjoying and moving about to ther own music. It’s no hard guessing game that they are singing loud and upbeat. One only has to look at their faces...

Thank you for participating and congratulations Pako! :D

Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rhythm, Hear the Sound”-Announcement

Unread post by aster »

“Women versus Men” !

A category that emerged naturally as Ossie and UrsaMajor submitted their choice of photos. :)

These are the most difficult photos to shoot on scene because they require quick administering of composition, setting-up and somehow finding the good angles are harder: the subjects are in constant motion in all directions as the waves, wind and the competitors force their way into a different path which make it very difficult to catch our rowers in unique sequences of rhythm.

But you can see the amount of energy exerted through the expressions on each face and almost hear them calling out to eachother ‘to keep it up’.

Thank you boys and girls... :D

And thank you Ossie and UrsaMajor for your participations and congratulations! :D



Tower of Babel
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Re: Challenge 13: “Feel The Rhythm, Hear the Sound”- Concluded

Unread post by aster »

Thank you all! :D

The challenge hereby is finalized.

And see you all and your good works in other challenges and threads...

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