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By David Kilpatrick, on April 7th, 2018
Read David Kilpatrick’s review of the Sony A7RIII
Cameracraft January/February started the A7RIII test report, and March/April 2018 continued it. Both are free to read now on ISSUU. In the second issue you’ll also find the review of the 24-105mm f/4 FE G OSS lens. In the first issue, Gary Friedman looks at the RX10 . . . → Read More: Sony A7RIII review in Cameracraft
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By David Kilpatrick, on August 7th, 2012
Gary Friedman, who is well known for his excellent e-books on the Alpha system (new one just out, Alpha 37 and 57) lives on the sunny, foggy, funky coast surrounded by surfing dudes and dudesses, just south of the vast conurbation of Los Angeles.
But having several million photo enthusiasts on his doorstep is . . . → Read More: Gary Friedman workshops in UK, September 13-16th
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By David Kilpatrick, on June 22nd, 2012 As Gary says, his e-books do not replace the camera manual and also don’t replace Camera Controls 101 – he writes for the user who already knows which end of the lens fits a screw filter and which end goes on the camera body. His new NEX-7 book fast-tracks into many key features of the . . . → Read More: Gary Friedman publishes NEX-7 ‘beyond the guide’ book
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